Celtic Ridge Farms Dutton/Dunwich/West Lorne

Our Lamb

Our Lamb

Naturally Raised Lamb

On our farm, we currently have 40 ewes that allow us to be very hands on with our flock. Our ram is a purebred Suffolk, which produces meaty lambs as his offspring. Our ewes are Suffolk, Texel and Dorset that produce large frame, meaty lambs. Our ewes produce lambs in early spring, in order to avoid those cold winter nights.

Our sheep are fed high nutrient alfalfa hay grown on our farm and high quality local grains.

For our lamb products, we select the only the best lambs. Our lambs spend their days in late spring and summer roaming the barnyard and pastures.

Celtic Ridge Farms Lamb is available seasonally direct from our on farm store.

Celtic Ridge Farms

What Does Naturally Raised Mean?

Our philosophy with our lamb is again simple, yet effective. Our lambs spend the majority of early spring, summer and fall roaming the pastures and barn yard, with loads of free range.

To ensure the best possible product, we have employed the following standards in the raising of our lambs:

  • no growth hormones or additives
  • lambs are raised on a vegetarian diet, which means hay, pasture grasses, and high quality corn
  • access to free choice feed & water
  • access to acres and acres of rolling hills and pastures grown right on our own farm
Best Quality Lamb

Our Products

Our lamb is available year round. Large orders should be placed well in advance. Currently we have the following options available to you and your family as you select your naturally raised lamb:

  • Large orders (whole and 1/2 lambs)
  • Small orders (lamb chops, roasts, and specialty boxes)


While it is hard work raising the best lamb, we recognize that there are many different ways to enjoy lamb. Click here for links tips & tricks to Cook Your Cut from Ontario Lamb Recipes!

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